949-428-3900 29 Hubble, Irvine CA 92618 | Mon – Closed | Tues – Sun 10am – 4pm

Remembering Veteran’s Day

Pretend City 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Thursday, November 11 Today at Pretend City we’re recognizing our Veterans with educational activities and memorable events. This day is dedicated to teaching our young guests about why we appreciate our veterans and how we can show our appreciation. Join us as we show our respect and celebrate those who have sacrificed for our freedom!  Purpose Behind the […]

Way to Play Day

Pretend City 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Friday, November 12 | 10 AM – 3 PM | 2nd Friday of the Month This month at our Way to Play Day, we’re focusing on fine motor skills! Join us as our guides highlight how to make playtime in the museum more educational. We will also be offering FREE developmental screenings. Purpose Behind the Play: Whole-body development, communication, […]

Celebrate World Kindness Day

Pretend City 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Saturday, November 13 We strive to teach little ones how to develop their moral compass and character traits. For World Kindness Day, we are focusing on activities that promote the importance of kindness!   Purpose Behind the Play: Social-emotional development, self-regulation, prosocial behaviors, and literacy and communication. Smart Art (Times Vary): Kindness Rocks > We think being kind […]

Baby Steps through Pretend City

Pretend City 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Sunday, October 10 | 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM  Come and "fall" into feelings of gratitude at November’s Baby Steps as we celebrate autumn, Thanksgiving, and the importance of appreciation! Babies and toddlers are naturally egocentric (i.e. interested in themselves) – but by teaching your little one about gratitude, they become sensitive to the feelings of others. This helps them develop empathy and, ultimately, […]