949-428-3900 29 Hubble, Irvine CA 92618 | Mon – Closed | Tues – Sun 10am – 4pm

Ramadan Observation & Celebration

April 16th  Let’s observe Ramadan! For the hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world who observe Ramadan, this month is a time to focus on their faith and perform generous acts. Some Muslims use this time to raise money or donate to help others in need. Today we will learn about this significant tradition […]

Arbor Day

Friday, April 30:  Let's Celebrate Arbor Day!    Trees are not only beautiful, but they are essential to our existence as human beings! Join us as we celebrate their importance with some tree-rific play.  Purpose Behind the Play: Cognition and inquiry, classification through sorting, self-regulation, and language and literacy development   Smart Art (Art Studio – Times […]

Baby Steps

Calling All Infants: It’s your time to play!    Baby Steps through Pretend City is your opportunity to meet other parents and engage in developmentally appropriate activities and learning spaces. Activities […]

Baby Steps

29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Come on down for our 2nd Annual “Baby Bowl”! Sport your favorite football attire, step up to the photo booth and take your baby through the obstacle course!  RSVP  HERE  […]