949-428-3900 29 Hubble, Irvine CA 92618 | Mon – Closed | Tues – Sun 10am – 4pm

International Day of Peace

Pretend City 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Saturday, September 18th   Peace Day is an internationally celebrated tradition where we come together to strengthen ideals of peace within and among all peoples. Celebrate with us as we share our love for the world and each other with activities that promote harmony and caring.      Purpose Behind the Play: social emotional development, self-regulation, empathy, gross […]

Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Pretend City 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Sunday, September 19th  Ahoy Mateys! Hoist up the anchor and sail away with us as we celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day! It’ll be a swashbuckling adventure as we play pirate games, tell tales, and create pirate art! Yo ho, yo ho, it’s a Pretend City life for me!   Purpose Behind the Play: dramatic play, language and literacy, writing and imagination exploration, problem […]

Fall Festival of Fun!

Pretend City 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Wednesday, September 22nd  It’s time to fall in love with this change in seasons! The leaves are turning, and the weather is shifting which means there is lots of fun to had here at Pretend City. Let’s celebrate with art, games, books, […]

Igniting Potential: Art Studio Evolution

Pretend City 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA

Giving Hearts for Creative Arts Why Evolve The Art Studio? Children intake sensory experiences differently than adults. Their surroundings - colors, sights, textures, and sounds - have a much stronger influence over the way they engage with their world. Currently, our Art Studio is a bit of a visual overload, while neglecting sound, light, and […]