949-428-3900 29 Hubble, Irvine CA 92618 | Mon & Tue Closed | Wed – Sun 10am – 4pm

Youth Leadership Board


Think Pretend City is just for young kids? Think again! The Youth Leadership Board (Youth Board) is an advisory and leadership board consisting of young adults and future leaders who are committed to furthering the mission of Pretend City Children’s Museum. The Youth Board is an opportunity and platform for middle and high school students to expand their philanthropy, give back to our community, grow as leaders and professionals, and to support Pretend City as museum ambassadors and representatives.
Consistent with Pretend City’s educational philosophy, this group of young leaders works to positively impact their communities through leadership, philanthropy, education, and awareness. The Youth Leadership Board provides an immersive experience for dedicated and passionate young people, serving as a youth board of directors and working closely with museum staff to propose, develop, and implement unique programs and projects.
The 2024-2025 Youth Leadership Board is currently in session. Applications for the 2025-2026 Youth Leadership Board will be opened in the mid-spring of 2025.
To see the Youth Board in action, check out the Instagram page @pretendcityyouthboard. For any questions, please email volunteer@pretendcity.org.

Upcoming Pretend City Events


What does the Youth Board do?

Become Part of the Team!

The Youth Leadership Board is looking for innovative, dynamic, and passionate youth leaders – grades 7-12 – who want their voices heard. If you’re interested in developing as a leader, progressing as a professional, and serving your community by working with a board of our peers to advance community programs and be ambassadors for Pretend City, consider becoming a Youth Board member! Applications are open in the spring, and memberships are active for one year at a time.

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Healthy Kids, Healthy Museum

To protect the health of Pretend City Children’s Museum community, we ask families to please only come play with us on days that everyone is feeling well.

© 2024 Pretend City Children's Museum Non-Profit Organization 501(c)3 | Legal Privacy Policy

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