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Presidents’ Day
February 21, 2022

Monday, February 21
Celebrate American Presidents with us! Enjoy a patriotic day in The City as we get creative, dive deep into science, and take a vote on who should lead the end-of-the-day parade!
Play Purpose: Concept development, physical development, number concepts through grouping, sorting, and arranging, and social studies.
Smart Art (on-going):
- Let’s Get PatriARTic > Join us in a patriotic color exploration through a multitude of materials.
Sensational Story Time in Orange Plaza (11 AM & 2:30 PM): The Little President > Leading our country, helping you and me, keeping all fifty states safe, happy, and free. Little presidents have a great big job!
Simple Science (11:15 AM & 2:45 PM): We’re exploring coins! More specifically, the “dirt” on coins that comes from oxidation.
Grown-up Tip: Give your child a chance to practice their voting skills at home by providing them with 2 choices for typical daily tasks – what to wear for the day, which to have for a school snack, or what to eat for dinner. The key to this is to only provide them 2 or 3 different options. Children feel empowered when they are given a choice even if you are the one who determines what items they are choosing between.
RSVP: Not required
Fee: Included with admission